Masters of Scale courses

Our courses focus on the 10 key areas to master in order to build strong organizations and successful, agile businesses.

Core topics include mastering:

  • Commercial growth engines

  • Consistent and authentic brand-building

  • Winning and sticky customer experiences

  • Continuous leadership growth

and much more.

  • Defining a Problem Worth Solving is one of the most critical steps in the startup journey. A well-defined problem not only helps ensure that you are solving a genuine need, but it also increases your chances of building a successful, scalable business.

  • The solution addresses a pain point or problem that existing products or services do not fully solve, or solves it in a more efficient, cost-effective, or user-friendly way.

    Continually validate your understanding of the problem, and ensure your solution is closely aligned with customer needs.

  • How and where will you sell?

    Where do your target customers hang out? 
    What channel types to use? 
    How scalable is your channel? 
    How much is the customer acquisition costs?

  • Brand-building is crucial for a startup because it helps establish a unique identity and fosters trust, loyalty, and recognition among customers.

    A strong brand enables:

    • Differentiation

    • Customer Trust and Loyalty

    • Pricing Power

    • Attracting Talent and Investors

    • Emotional Connection (stickiness)

  • The focus here is on confirming that there’s market demand, customers are willing to pay, acquisition costs are sustainable, and your model can scale profitably.

    Including areas such as:

    • Product-market fit

    • Revenue & pricing model

    • Customer acquisition process

    • Retention & lifetime value

Course modules

  • When evaluating user experience (UX) and the value provided by a startup's product, it’s essential to track and analyze key actions that give insights into customer behavior, satisfaction, and product-market fit.


    • User Engagement & level of activity

    • User retention & churn

    • Conversion rates

    • Task completion & success rates

    • Customer support

  • A successful startup team requires a combination of diverse skills, complementary strengths, resilience, and a shared vision.

    Core elements include:

    • Diverse skill sets

    • Agility & adaptability

    • Communication & trust

    • Customer-centric focus

  • How to fund a new business often gets viewed through the lense of the headlines in the media, leading many to look to VCs when they are not the right fit, or also way too early.

    There are up to 10 different ways to think about raising funds, and it's a good exercise to discover, analyse and learn about the options' pros and cons before making a decision.

  • Focus on building Leadership skills, continuous learning and developing the most suited style is of huge impact to the organization. Enabling:

    • Efficient decision-making

    • Visionary leadership

    • Organizational clarity

    • Culture of empowerment and trust

  • As new businesses grow and mature, they naturally take on capital and partners, which often affects the ownership and board structures.

    The ability to plan long-term for achieving healthy and beneficial owner relationships, including dynamic and supportive investors and boards can be a real super-power. Sadly, in the worst cases, the wrong owners, or badly aligned boards can easily break and ruin the business.

    An active approach is needed!

Selected course examples

Authentic brands always win

  • ALL core elements forming new business initiatives must be fully validated in the target market before becoming part of roadmaps and business plans. Unvalidated = untrue!

    Mistakes here lead to building products looking for problems to solve.

    Validations cover all areas within Market, Product, Channel & Model.

Validation is not an optional step

  • Model-fit is the last of the 4 cornerstones in becoming truly scalable.

    The other 3 are Market-fit, Product-fit, and Channel-fit

    Establishing (business) model-fitness includes working through and validating:

    • How do you monetize?

    • When do you monetize?

    • How much do you charge?

    • What is your customer’s lifetime value?

Model fitness as-a-process

  • Brand building is a strategic process that goes beyond just creating a logo or tagline. For a new business to build a strong and effective brand, it should consider several foundational and strategic aspects.

    • Define your brand identity and voice

    • Understand your target audience

    • And craft messaging that resonates with them

    • Create valuable & educational content

    • Focus on authenticity and be consistent

Lead with trust to build resilience

  • Adaptability and Resilience:

    A startup's ability to pivot or adapt to changing market conditions or customer feedback is a major indicator of its ability to thrive.

    Training this nerve is critical to the long term health of the organization and business in this high pressure environment.

    By leading with dedicated example, fostering a culture of testing, learning, analysing and collaborating - trust will form the glue that builds resilience.

10 ways to fund your business

  • Funding is not one route, nor the same answer for every new business. There are multiple ways to think about and plan around securing the necessary funds to continue your growth.

    • We will cover 10 different options - as well as how to plan early to have much more flexibility and choice available - since changes are a definite constant...

Recruit for skill diversity

  • Skill Diversity: A team with complementary skills—technical, marketing, sales, operations, etc.—increases the likelihood of execution success.

    Non-diverse teams are more likely to suffer from biases which impact critical discussions, decision-making and overall business innovation ability.

    I.e. Tech-heavy teams more often wait too long with validating their plans in the market, due to disinterest and lack of experience with commercial processes.